Saturday, February 8, 2014


1. Overcoming Intolerant Of Lactose

Breast milk are the best drinks and food for the baby naturally, the most clean and nutritious.
However, due to various constraints, many of the mothers in Indonesia are replacing the milk with cow's milk.In fact, in reality many children, especially toddlers allergic to cow's milk. The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms abdominal pain . It's a sign of the digestive system are not capable to digest and absorb lactose well. Such a condition known as lactose intolerance, which is caused by lack of the enzyme lactase in the body that functions to break down lactose into glucose and galactose (monosaccharides) to be more easily digested intestine. As an alternative, soy milk can be used to substitute cow's milk and the best complementary drinks for toddlers. One of the advantages of soy milk when compared to cow's milk is no lactose milk. Therefore, children who are allergic to cow's milk is highly recommended to consume soy milk.

Especially for toddlers, better soy milk given to children aged over one year. Sufficient portion 250 500 ml. or 1-2 glasses per day. Two glasses of soy milk is capable of supplying 30% protein requirement per day for toddlers. Soy milk can be given after or before a meal, depending on the child's eating habits and tastes.

2. The Recommended Drink for Autisme

Autism is a kind of mental development disorder that occurs in childhood, Autism is a kind of mental development disruption that occurs in childhood, so that makes a person unable to conduct social interaction and make him as if living in his own world.
Autism that occurs in children is usually called Autism InfatilPeople with Autism should not consume foods containing casein (milk protein) and glutein (protein powder). Because it is difficult to digest, foods that contain two types of protein can lead to impaired brain function. When consumed with autism, they will tend to be more hyperactive. Casein sources derived from animal milk (cow's milk) and a wide variety of products, such as cheese and cream. For people with Autism, Cow Milk can be replaced with Soy Milk. Thus, people with autism still get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals. The most important thing of all, soy milk does not contain casein and glutein.

3. Drinks for the Vegetarian

For vegetarians, soy milk can be served as a main drink. In addition to delicious and refreshing, nutritional value is almost the same as cow's milk. Soy milk is a beverage source of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and provitamin A), a source of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus), a source of carbohydrates, protein source and fat source).

4. Reduce Blood Cholesterol Levels.

Cholesterol in the body will be joined by proteins, forming compounds called lipoproteins; which consists of two types of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is known as bad cholesterol, because it often leads to a buildup of cholesterol plaque on the wall of the artery. HDL is known as good cholesterol, as it works to clean up cholesterol in the arterial wall and bring it back to the liver where cholesterol is broken down and excreted.
Soy milk is able to block the bad cholesterol (LDL), because soy milk contains lecithin; which is emulsify (dissolve) cholesterol in the blood, so that no more narrowing and blockage. The efficacy of lecithin have been studied by Dr.. Edward and published in Biocontrol News and Information, Discover & Science News. Besides Lecithin; Nutrition other substances that can attacking cholesterol was Isoflavones act as antioxidants and can increase HDL. Research by the America Heart Association suggests Soy Milk consumption for three months were able to increase HDL average of 4.7%.

5. Preventing Arteriosclerosis, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Stroke.

In addition lecithin and isoflavones, soy milk also contains Vitamin E (Tocopherol), which also can help prevent coronary heart disease and stroke. Vitamin E also prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol; so that does not cause plaque that causes blockage of the arteries, and rejuvenate old arteries, making it more elastic and avoid Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Research at Harvard University; show them who obtain Vitamin E 200 IU / day; risk of cardiovascular disorders weight gain decreased by 34%. Folic acid content and Vitamin B6 in soy milk can prevent heart disease.
Soy milk contains magnesium which is able to regulate a person's blood pressure. Not only that, the research results of Jerry L. Nadler of City of Hope Medical Center - California; mention Magnesium can inhibit the release of Thromboxane - ie a substance that makes platelets (blood fragments) becomes more sticky and easier to form clumps, so it can prevent the increase in blood pressure while preventing strokes and heart problems.

6. Preventing Diabetes Mellitus

causes of Diabetes Mellitus is because the body lacks insulin; resulting in abnormalities of carbohydrate metabolism, protein, fat, water, and electrolytes. Soy milk containing Amino Acids Amino Acid Glycine and Arginine are able to maintain the balance of Insulin. In addition, the protein in soy milk is more easily accepted by the kidneys than animal protein. Soy milk is good because it is consumed by people with diabetes mellitus.

7. Preventing Menopause and Osteoporosis 

Although this is a natural process, a lot of women feel scared and worried facing menopause. This is reasonable because the process is characterized by the cessation of the menstrual cycle often cause psychological and physical disturbance that interfere, either before or after entering the cycle.
The cessation of the menstrual cycle in women is strongly influenced by menopausal hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries gland. Therefore medical therapy of Hormone Replacement Therapy is usually given.
Besides quite powerful to overcome some of the menopausal syndrome, but in the long term can lead to health problems; include Breast Cancer (33%), stroke (49.1%), thromboemboli (125.3%), and heart disease (34.4%) - (Woman Health Initiaive USA). The solution could be done is keep searching and researching Fito-estrogen or estrogen derived from plants. One of them is shown to effectively cope with menopausal syndrome is the isoflavones contained in soy milk. Besides low cost; product has also been known to the public.
n addition to isoflavones, soy milk nutrients which can inhibit the menopause is Vitamin E; useful maintain hormone balance that slow the onset of menopause. Natural vitamin E is more readily absorbed than synthetic Vitamin E. Besides being able to inhibit the menopause, isoflavones could prevent osteoporosis; process by stimulating osteoblastic activity through estrogen receptors, and increases the production of Growth Hormone - (Insuline Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). Consuming Soy Milk on a regular basis to maintain the bones of the skull and spine . (Susan M.Potter-University of Illinois - USA.

8. Preventing Migraine

Migraine is also known as recurring headaches and are idiopathic (arising by itself without a known cause), as well as be recurrent. The disease is more common in females as males (3: 1). The main factor is the hormonal cycle in women. With the nature of idiopathic migraine is associated with biochemical changes. Consuming soy milk on a regular basis can prevent and relieve migraine; mainly caused by deffisiensi nutrients. This is because Soy Milk is a rich source of Vitamin B-Complek (except B12), minerals (especially potassium), and amino acids (especially lysine) with a fairly high number.

9. Drinks Anti Cancer.

Have you ever heard or seen advertisements of milk that can prevent cancer? Soy Milk. Because Soy Milk is one of the source of health drinks mineral, selenium, Vitamin E, Isoflavones, and Amino Acids triptopan. To cope with exposure to free radicals trigger cancer, needed substances or compounds that act as anti-oxidants. In addition to selenium, anti-oxidants on Soy Milk is Vitamin E and Genistein, which synergistically able to block cancer.

10. Anti Aging By Nature

For every person; being old is a certainty which is actually not to be feared. One of the most powerful ways that are believed to ward off premature aging is to rely Antioxidant sourced from food or drink. Consuming food or beverage source of anti-oxidants is a wise choice, as well as the right choice to combat premature aging. Anti-oxidants are generally derived from the class of vitamins and minerals; including vitamins B, E, C, Beta-Carotene, Chromium, Selenium, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, and isoflavones.
Soy milk should put into your diet list, so you stay young. Soy milk contains many substances compounds Anti Aging


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